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5 Tips on Boosting Creativity During COVID-19

I know a lot of you are stuck inside and may get anxious from being cooped up all day. I've been keeping myself busy, and I wanted to share what I've been doing to stay creative.


Try something new. Try a new medium. Use this time to learn a new skill. Luckily I have a lot of supplies and this is easy for me to do, but if you'll just have to make do with what supplies you have. I pulled out my acrylic paints and canvas' and painted something for my dad. I wouldn't say I'm a painter, but I paint! I also have been meaning to paint my desk grey because white is to clean for my style. If I didn't have school work to do, I'd have time to learn a new program.

I tried painting my sister's silhouette here. It's a work in progress.

Try A New Recipe

I encourage you to find a new cooking blog or visit Pinterest to find inspiration. Since we're all at home during this time, take this time to make something new. I've been following a pastry blog, Kneading Patience. Specifically, I can't wait to try to make the ultimate chocolate chip cookie! I have definitely been cooking more and therefore eating more...but at least homemade food is healthier than McDonald's right?

Go Outside

Now, this tip can get confusing. A change of scenery can boost your creativity and mood. Just make sure when you do venture outside you follow your state recommendation during the pandemic. I would love to visit and socialize with my family, but I cannot because I'm considered an essential worker and being around the public may put people around me more at risk. Being alone can be stressful and drive you a bit insane. When the isolation gets to be a bit much, I will go outside for a run or simply go out for fresh air. I also have a ton of plants, so taking care of them keeps me sane!

Listen To Music

Listening to your favorite songs or finding new music can boost your creativity and motivation. I have a hard time getting motivated to get work done, so I like to have breaks in between work sessions to help get through the day.


Due to COVID-19, 2 out of 3 of my roommates have moved out, so I am in the process of moving my entire loft to the master bedroom. Moving will allow me to redecorate. At the same time, it is an annoying process because I will have to do it all over again when my lease is up in August.

Moving all my belongings downstairs is keeping my mind occupied and creative while staying inside. After I graduated high school, I had actually planned on studying interior design instead of my current major, so I may be biased but I think redecorating is a fun process.

I know everything has been stressful, all we can do is try to stick to somewhat of a schedule and keep our minds occupied. Keep an eye out for my new room update on Instagram!

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Sarah Jennings
Sarah Jennings
Apr 03, 2020

I love seeing you play with a different medium! Talented all around. I can't wait to see your room update! I am envisioning a lot of purples and clean lines.

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