Welcome to my space! I'm actually still not completely happy with it, but I'm hoping that by sharing I can inspire you to create your own space.
"Creativity is contagious, pass it on." - Albert Einstein

Make It Comfy
If your space isn't already comfortable then this is probably the most important step to follow. You'll probably spend a lot of time in this area, and if it's not comfy and cozy then you won't enjoy being in your own space. Things to consider would be a comfortable chair, a large enough desk, and a space that is not too cramped.
Lighting It Up
Sunlight is great for your productivity, which is why I put my desk right beside my only window. Sunlight is preferred because it keeps you alert and can improve your overall mood. I have really poor lighting in my room, so my 2010 white desk lamp helps me out when the sun goes down.
Keep The Clutter
“I have done some really good work under the worst circumstances and some pretty awful stuff in a well organized, pristine studio.” —Shirley Erskine
Wait a second, don't let this get out of control. Consider an organized mess. You know, like the kind of mess where you know where everything is? Clutter helps us think outside of the box and boosts our brainstorming. We are taught to be ashamed about clutter, but once you stop obsessing over the mess, you'll hopefully experience less creative blocks.You can be creative and messy; I'm a fan.

Create Your Own Pinterest Wall
Destiny, what do you mean create your own Pinterest wall?
What I mean by that is, fill your space whether it's your desk or a bookshelf with WHATEVER inspires you. For example, I have a whole bookshelf of random stuff I've collected throughout the years. I have my many cameras on display, and yes I know owning FIVE cameras is excessive, but it's who I am. I've had people tell me that stuffed animals are not decorations. They were wrong, obviously. One of my favorite things on my bookshelf is my green glitter lava lamp. As we went over previously, I could not be part of the minimalist movement.
Along with my bookshelf, I also "cluttered" my desk with photographs of my dog Fiona and random works that I enjoyed creating. I didn't necessarily go with a theme when I decorated. You could say the theme is me or in your case you.
I really like the quotes through your blog. The photos where very nice too.
i really liked the style of the whole post, very organized. Also the fact about the organized mess is actually pretty interesting. Overall, great post, i may have to try this more in the future!
I love the photos you used! Your space is very aesthetically pleasing. The conversational tone to your writing is pleasant to read. I feel inspired to create my own space!