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Helvetica Is The New Comic Sans

Should we stop using Helvetica too?

Helvetica, the once king of fonts, is now hated by many. I've mentioned in previous blogs that the hatred for Comic Sans is so widespread that there have been many petitions to ban the font. It seems like people either love it or hate it, as there has also been a petition to make Comic Sans the MLA standard font. Whether we like it or not, Comic Sans has a personality. It's used in comic books because of it's fun and welcoming style.

How Helvetica Conquered The World

Fast and clear communication was highly important during the industrial era. The Swiss font was designed during the Swiss-style movement which involved grids and structure. The font appeared in the late 1950s after the war with the push of midcentury modernism. Helvetica is now used on street signs, company logos, food packaging, and even on Instagram. I found examples of brands that use Helvetica in their logo. These are just a few well-known brands, so I can guarantee that you cannot go a day without seeing the font in your day to day life.

Here's What's Wrong With Helvetica...

Helvetica is practical, clean, modern, classic, professional, bold, and legible.

When in doubt, use Helvetica. -Every graphic designer ever

Helvetica sounds like a great font right? Helvetica's neutral and minimalistic style makes it easy to apply to any situation...which is its own downfall. Helvetica's simplicity strips it of any personality. The main problem with Helvetica is its overuse.

Stop Playing It Safe

Designer, King Sidharth has argued that people should stop using both Arial and Helvetica. It has become a default. Everyone uses Helvetica because everyone else does. It has become a "lazy" design choice. Even though I don't think Helvetica is as atrocious as Comic Sans, I think we should take it easy with Helvetica. Before any fellow designers get upset, I'm not saying to completely stop using Helvetica.

Maybe it's just me, but I'm tired of seeing the minimalistic style. It's too clean and lacks all personality. I'm also not a fan of the Dada movement which is too chaotic for my taste. Interestingly enough, however, the Dada movement also began in Switzerland. Perhaps with the COVID-19 pandemic, we will see a new style emerge.

Can You Spot The Difference?

Who said typography can't be fun!? Can you spot Helvetica when you're walking down the street? How about Arial? They're pretty similar! Take this spot the difference quiz that can test your ability to spot Helvetica. I got a 14 out of 20... I think the Toyota logo was the hardest to tell apart.

What are your thoughts? Can you imagine a life without Helvetica?

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