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What Your Favorite Font Say About You

This is meant to be a fun, lighthearted read during these rough times. If you haven't already, I suggest you read my previous post about types and their personalities for a more informative typography post.


Futura is actually similar to Helvetica because of its sleekness and modern feel. The main difference between the two fonts is that Futura is more geometric and stylish. If Futura is your favorite font, you probably think Helvetica lacks personality. You are probably a hipster who wants to emphasize your uniqueness.

Comic Sans

Comic Sans isn't a serious font. This font should not be used on serious business documents. It's meant to be a friendly, light-hearted font. If this is your favorite font, you are most likely one of two people. The first type of person who likes Comic Sans is the rebellious teenager/young adult who thinks it's a funny and appropriate font to use on memes. The other type of person is the adult who doesn't understand technology.

Felt Tip Roman

If Felt Tip Roman is your favorite font, you probably dislike the cold computer look. You want to use a more personable font rather than a stereotypical, corporate-like font. You are probably a very humble and authentic artist or a small business owner.

Active Regular

This handwritten font is actually my favorite font. I like this font because it is very clean and well-spaced which makes it easy to read. It is also a handwritten font that looks like a cleaner version of my handwriting. I think it's a very personable and authentic font.


Like I mentioned above, Helvetica is similar to Futura. It is a very simplistic, modern, clean font that is easy to read. It is generally perceived as a neutral font and is the go-to font for many. You are probably a millennial that keeps up with the current trends and keeps La Croix stocked in your fridge.

Times New Roman

If Times New Roman is your favorite font, you've probably never used over 12pt, which can drive designers crazy. This font can seem a little boring, but safe. Times New Roman is a classic font. It is best used for business and technical documents. You are probably very smart and your use of Times New Roman increases your credibility. You are most likely a business professor or a biochemistry student.

Tahoma or Verdana

Can you spot the difference? If you are the average person, you probably won't easily spot the differences. These fonts lack personality. If Tahoma or Verdana is one of your favorite fonts, you probably aren't a graphic designer or creative. You are probably a simple person who is more focused on being efficient than the font choice itself.

There are a ton of fonts that didn't make it on this list. Let me know what your favorite font is down in the comments!

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