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Why Legibility Isn't Important: Self-Expression

That's right. I said what I said.

Before you start arguing with me, hear me out. Art is subjective right? The question is, what is art to you? Oxford's definition of art is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. Not everyone appreciates Pablo Picasso, yet his work is considered genius by others.

Typography Is Art

Because art is subjective, anything and everything can be considered a work of art. Therefore, typography is art (at least it is to me). Just like most art pieces, each person's interpretation is different. MEANING, illegible typography is art!

Do you think a doctor's handwriting is art? I didn't think so. I'm not just giving you a pass to have illegible handwriting. I'm just saying that there's always a time and a place. If your goal is to communicate with another person or you're taking notes for yourself, writing legibly should be your goal. To clarify, I'll explain situations where legibility is not important.

Typography & Graffiti

Although usually, it is illegal, graffiti is a form of art and self-expression. In certain cities like Richmond, VA, certain walls are considered "legal walls" which allow graffiti. Graffiti is often are illegible, but the stylized letters can be an elaborate and colorful way for artists to express themselves. Like in the picture, "tags" are the most illegible because they are more so a signature that is meant to stand out.

Typography & Illustration

Illegible typography can also be used in an illustration like in the sketch of my dad and me. The text serves both as a background element and a hidden message. Because handwriting is so unique to the artist, I think it adds a personal element. It again comes down to personal choice. You can alter the transparency, color, legibility, spacing, etc.

Typography & Tattoos

In my opinion, tattoos are about self-expression and artistic freedom. My tattoo reads, nothing to fear but fear itself. I often get comments and critiques about my tattoo being illegible, and they point out that I should have chosen a different font or a bigger font size. Unlike public murals, tattoos are designed for the individual. I know my tattoo is illegible and that's okay! Trust me, I spent hours deciding what font and how large I wanted it.

Boosting Self-Expression

Find whichever method you enjoy and express yourself and your artistic freedom. As a graphic designer, I express myself with illustration, photography, and typography. Being an artist takes patience with yourself! You can boost your self-expression by trying something new, browse other art, listen to music, and simply creating something without expecting perfection.

Creativity has no rules! The options are endless when it comes to expressing yourself!

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