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Welcome To Type O Type

Updated: Jan 31, 2020


I’m Destiny and I’m a typography nerd. I didn’t realize I was a nerd until I got called out by a friend. I told him I’d spent hours searching through Adobe Fonts to find the perfect fonts. I normally find 3 that I think will work best with what I’m designing and then test them out in order to choose the final font. I also realized that not everyone has a favorite font… In my defense, I’m a graphic design major and just happen to find typography fascinating. With it being one of my passions, I created Type O Type to share and create typography content.

What Is Typography?

Typography is considered to be the art and craft of arranging type. Typography is everywhere including street signs, posters, packaging and of course the internet. It’s not just a form of communication but it’s an art form.

Font vs Typeface

Just so we're on the same page, I'll quickly define some terms I'll use semi-often. Font and typeface are often used interchangeably, but they're not the same. A typeface would be considered Helvetica or Times New Roman while a font is a specific weight, style, and size, for example, Helvetica bold 9 pt.

Most typography is INVISIBLE, but bad typography is LOUD!

You might wonder, “what is bad typography?” The main culprit of bad typography is a lack of attention when it comes to spacing. I have so many examples, I’ll have to write a full blog post of bad typography later on.

Yikes! I mean once you read this as “Massage The Rapist,” you can’t unsee it. You know when you’re on auto-pilot and you forget if you ever stopped at the stoplight before you got home or not? Seeing bad typography snaps me out of auto-pilot.



Who did this?

Did they not know?

Anyway, let’s not focus on bad typography because it becomes a rabbit hole.

Good typography does exist! The most basic definition of good typography is the text that is both legible and aesthetically pleasing. Good typography can also be more complicated and become works of art. I want to continue to practice my typography. I tried to keep the first post simple. I chose the quote "purpose fuels passion" for this post in honor of typography is my passion project.

Follow @type_o_type on Instagram if you want to keep up with my typography posts!

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